NYC Book Club, Late Summer 2023: Designing Data-Intensive Applications

From August - October, 2023, I ran a book club meeting in-person (mostly) at Bryant Park in Manhattan. 17 local folks responded to my initial message about it on Twitter. Between 5-8 of them showed up each time. Which was a great showing!

We'd meet up every other week at 9AM in the morning for 30 minutes. If the forecast was rainy I'd email out a link and we'd meet over Google Hangout instead.

It might have been nice to have a permanent indoor meeting location but that might have required everyone to buy a coffee and for us to hope for space in a cafe, or for us to figure out something more complex with NYPL or a local company or something.

Since we'd only meet every other week, the week we didn't meet I'd send out an email recapping the last chapter with encouragement and a reminder to keep making progress.

The folks who attended were developers and managers mostly in backend web development at big and small companies.

It was low-effort and enjoyable and I'd do it again!