Database Design and Implementation Book Club

Part of the Software Internals Email Book Club.

The next book we'll cover is Database Design and Implementation by Edward Sciore.

All discussion is via a Google Group. You probably need a Google account. Your email will be public if you post but otherwise it will not be visible to anyone.

There will be no Zoom or Google Hangout, it will purely be over text email.

Discussion starter

Each week, one person will send out an email on Saturday recapping the chapter to start discussion. It can be as short as a paragraph or two just to get discussion going. Anyone else can chime in afterward.

Don't worry about being an expert and don't worry about what to say, I'll go first and will prod you when it's your turn.

Sign up

Sign ups are now closed.

Discussion Schedule

Each week one member of the group kicks off discussion for the previous chapter. I.e. on October 5th I'll start a discussion on Chapter 1. So you should read the chapter before the date it is listed.

Here are the folks (tentatively) starting discussion each week.

Date Leader Chapters Titles
October 5thPhil1Database Systems
October 12thDhaval Shah2JDBC
October 19thManish Gill3Disk and File Management
October 26thKaviraj Kanagaraj4Memory Management
November 2ndMohamed Khalefa5Transaction Management
November 9thAlperen Keleş6Record Management
November 16thRaghvendra Yadav7Metadata Management
November 23rdTamir Hemo8Query Processing
November 30thSaurabh Sardeshpande9Parsing
December 7thSyed Faraz Mahmood10Planning
December 14thKoushik Krishnan11JDBC Interfaces
December 21stMilan Novakovic12Indexing
December 28thTim Deeb-Swihart13Materialization and Sorting
January 4thNathan Casler14Effective Buffer Utilization
January 11thAliya Bannayeva15Query Optimization