Leadership in Tech Book Club

This book club is for leaders at tech companies. High level ICs (staff+) and managers, particularly in engineering and product management.

Not only is it a chance to read books you likely already wanted to, but to do it with a little bit of accountability and to benefit from the discussion, whether you actively participate or merely lurk.

Sign up here to stay in the loop.

How it works

All discussion is via a Google Group. There will be no Zoom or Google Hangout, it will purely be over text email.

Each weekend, one person will send out an email recapping the chapter or asking questions to start discussion. It can be as short as a paragraph or two just to get discussion going. Anyone else can chime in afterward.

I will solicit these chapter discussion leaders before we start each new book.

Loose criteria

The goal is to read particularly high quality books on management, industry history, and leadership.

Potential future books

Have a book that fits the above criteria? Let me know!