Let's chat!

I absolutely love meeting people. In the last year, between meetups and online communites, I've probably chatted individually with in-the-healthy-hundreds of new people. Undergraduate students, VCs, founders, VPs of Engineering, PhD students, and everyone in between.

I am particularly interested right now in meeting people who use or operate data systems, or manage organizations doing so. I want to hear about what is challenging and where you're heading in the next few years.

Please send me an email with the following to help me out:

No guarantees that timing or anything will work out but I would still be glad to hear from you!

Students and early-career devs

I get a somewhat overwhelming number of requests from students and early-career developers asking about career paths and advice. I can only handle these so often, so I will refer you to the #career channel on the Software Internals Discord and also to the Getting started with database development page.