Favorite compiler and interpreter resources

My personal path, a hobbyist, was focused at first on interpreters for Brainfuck, Scheme, lower-case forth, and lower-case lisp. I had a bit of "formal" undergraduate training in one PL course and one compilers course I took before I dropped out, but for the most part I hacked on stuff since then for fun and education.

After I was confident implementing some of those minimal languages, I moved on to minimal versions of Lua, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, SQL and Go; varying between implementing AST interpreters, bytecode VMs and native-code compilers (via C, LLVM, and x86). Either using the language's first-party parser or implementing my own handwritten parser.

Some blind spots

I have never implemented garbage collection myself (at best I've hooked into the host language's GC, similar to using libgc). I haven't implemented register allocation since the college compilers course. I haven't implemented JIT compilation. I haven't spent very much time targeting Windows or macOS or anything other than Linux/x86_64.

The popularity of lisps and forths

You might wonder why so many PL/compiler resources focus on languages like lower-case lisp. Basically, parsing more common languages is more tedious because they have more syntax. So it takes you longer to get a working language implementation compared to the sparse syntax of a lisp (or a forth).

Once you get the hang of it with a forth or lisp though it's easy to bring that skill to "normal" languages. Although you will then need to pick up a technique for handling operator precedence (discussed below).


These helped me out and I think are reasonable to recommend to others. The list is not long because I have not explored that many broad introductory texts. And many that I did (listed further below) I really didn't like.

Parsing (operator precedence)

First off, real world languages generally don't use parser generators. Parser generators are also harder to learn, and are another dependency and build step. So you can happily skip.

If you still want to learn how to use a parser generator, look at books that are otherwise not ones I recommend like Modern Compiler Implementation in Java/C/ML or at The Dragon Book.

You can pick up the basics of handwritten parsers from the items in the Introductory section above. The major complex part remaining is operator precedence. Even though I've implemented it a few times, I need to go and look up an explanation again every time.

Basically, look up Shunting Yard, Pratt Parsing, or Precedence Climbing. There were one or two pages that helped me out in particular but I can't find them at the moment.

Andy Chu of Oil Shell has a survey of various explanations that you may find useful.

Code generation

(Non-introductory) books

Hacking on existing languages


Various blogs and pages I've enjoyed reading and/or found helpful.

Pedagogical projects

Stuff I've written

I can't evaluate my own stuff objectively but this is my list so I'm going to share with you the various resources I've written on the broad subject of compilers and interpreters.

More focused on parsing

Language implementation more generally


Stuff I'd like to find or see written about

If you know of anything here or end up writing about one of these, let me know!

Heard good things

I haven't tried these out, but I commonly see them recommended.

Conspicuous books not on the list

As you dig further into compilers/interpreters maybe you want to check these out. I own them and try to browse them occasionally but overall I'm not a fan. If you like them, great!
